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I am Emma, and I work with creating more intimacy, presence, and connection with our bodies, our relationships, and the earth.


I believe this creates a more harmonious way of life, helps us to walk with honesty and integrity, and supports us in creating an aligned, fruitful, and healthy life.


Much of my work centers around the womb, because it it is the space holder for everything involving our relationships, work in the world, sense of belonging and safety, creative expression, and the source of who we came here to be.


My offerings range from 1:1 mentorship, womb centered body work, in person & virtual workshops, to retreats.

receive support through heart centered, earth & body based teachings and practices
womb centered body work

hands on body work to support your connection to reproductive health, emotional well being, sense of empowerment, authentic expression, and healthy relating

1:1 sessions 

a holistic approach to supporting your growth, providing you with clear reflections and tools for healing and expansion


About Me

When I was 16, I went to my first ever yoga class and pretty immediately, it became a regular practice and way of living my life, and still is. That same year, I moved out of the home I had lived in my whole life, and began what would be the next 15 years of following the breadcrumbs, traveling all over the world, finding my purpose and place in it. I think that will be a life long journey.


Through my yoga practice, I realized that the body held so much wisdom and power. I would learn things about myself, receive insights and direction about my life, and witness the capacity this introspective and body-centered practice had to hold and carry me through challenging times.


Having this practice at the center of my life allowed me to carve out a less traditional path for myself, one that was guided by my hearts calling. It led me to forge a deep connection with and respect for the earth, through plants and sacred wild places.


This path made me into the beautifully sensitive, creative, curiously spirited person that I am today and led me onto a path of healing myself and my lineage through my discovery of plant medicine, ancestral wisdom, and the mysteries of the womb. It led me to the calling to support others who are yearning to cultivate a rich life, connected to their minds, bodies, and spirits, with the courage that it takes to pave a new way.


50 + episodes featuring conversations on holistic living, womb wisdom, birth, death, creative expression, entrepreneurship, plant medicine, healing and more

The Weaving Harmony 

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